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Welcoming the Winter Solstice Circle Energy Exchange, $44 

Join the YFN community as we welcome and honor the winter solstice. As the winter arrives, we step into the longest night and darkest days of the year. We enter the peak of darkness, and wait patiently for the light of the remaining of the year to come forward. 

This is a powerful time of trusting: trusting that the light will return, allowing ourselves to surrender into the darkness and to remember that rebirth, birth and transformation all sit in this space. 

We allow ourselves to sit here to see the messages and what the medicine of this year is showing up to us as. A reminder to look at nature and see the magic and wisdom of what’s actually going on. 

“The trees are bare, yet so much is happening in their roots.”

Winter is a time of rest, deep soul and heart replenishment. This is your time to connect to that fire within to keep you warm for the months ahead. 

It may seem like nothing is happening in the 3D world, but this is the time where deep transformation is taking place within. 

Surrender yourself into the wisdom of winter. 

December 18

Trails of Encouragement (Donation-based)

January 15

Trails of Encouragement with Victoria (Donation-based)