Create The Life You Love

Where has 2023 gone? Did you follow through on the resolutions and goals you created in January?

As I approach the end of the year, I reassess what I set out to do and what actually happened. I ask myself, “In the six areas of life, according to NLP, am I happy, have I excelled, and what needs improvement?”

Areas of life are spirituality, personal growth and development, relationships, family, career, and physical health. Each area contributes to the growth of the whole person.

This is what makes you YOU:

A common theme in the area of life regarding physical health is discipline, leading to yo-yo dieting and all-or-nothing workout routines. Sound familiar? You are holding on to baggage, keeping you in a repeating cycle. The limiting beliefs you have are specific and personal to you. Perception of your experiences forms stories/beliefs in your brain and body that, over time, become your truth.

Not THE Truth but your idea of what is to be true. All choices, behaviors, and perceptions are created through that belief lens.

Another example is in the area of life regarding relationships, I witness a lot of clients repeat the same beliefs and behaviors with each new relationship. Fearcasting (this relationship with fail like all the others), assuming (if she isn’t spending time with me she’s cheating), and all-or-nothing thinking (all men lie) to name a few. Leading to the demise of the relationship.

These patterns repeat because you carry your “baggage” from one relationship to the next. Limiting beliefs become your truth and you become stuck in a cycle, reinforcing maladaptive thinking and behaving. All of this, becoming so natural, that your insight into your destruction can be undetected by you alone.

Drop the baggage and get into congruence with your mind, body, heart, and soul with a breakthrough.

Heal your emotional wounds, create a powerful new mindset, and determine the best direction to take going forward to be happier than you could have ever imagined!

The breakthrough session is a 6-8 hour process usually completed over 2 days. We begin the process by doing a detailed personal history to find your limiting beliefs and the greater problem. It is typically an emotional day. Prepare to dump all you have into this for the best results.

On Day 2, we do MER® to remove the negative emotions and limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Finally, we resolve any conflicts in your values and end with a meditation solidifying values and a new mindset.

We set goals based on your values. These goals and your values are the basis of our coaching moving forward to ensure your success - does that sound like something that might interest you?

Make 2024 the year you open your eyes to the miraculous possibilities for your life! Have a safe and Happy New Year!


Laser Focus: Creating A Vision


Attitude for Gratitude