Turning Obstacles into Opportunities for Growth

“I think everybody should do this one time in their life just to prove to themselves they can do anything they put their mind to,” my 13-year-old son, Kane, exclaimed while hugging me super tight. I was picking him up from a week-long military-style boot camp held in Vermont on a private farm followed by 3 nights at the oldest military school in the USA.

I was intrigued by this camp after reading 10 Rules for Resilience by Joe DeSena, Spartan Race Founder. While reading the book, I felt validated with my school of thought in life and parenting, all obstacles are opportunities for growth and life is hard, choose your hard. He spoke my family’s language. Therefore, leading us to have our oldest experience the “toughest experience he’s ever done.”

Embracing new experiences and conquering challenges greatly enhances psychological well-being by fostering resilience. Stepping out of comfort zones promotes personal growth, expanding knowledge, and enhancing adaptability. It provides opportunities to discover untapped potential and develop coping strategies. Overcoming obstacles cultivates a sense of mastery and empowerment, boosting self-confidence and self-esteem.

I sensed he was different. There was nothing concerning before his experience, yet, I knew he had grown. He said, “Mom, I now know I can get through anything.” He expanded on all the amazing qualities he already possessed. It was like he had unlocked what was inside of him and had full access to it now!

Such experiences also improve problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities. By navigating unknown territories, individuals learn to embrace uncertainty and become more open-minded.

“I cried every night. But I knew this was only temporary. I knew when I made it to the end, I’d be proud of myself and appreciate my life with my family,” my son shared while processing his experience with my husband and me. Overall, these encounters contribute to building emotional strength, developing a positive mindset, and nurturing a resilient attitude toward life's uncertainties. I can’t express how proud I am of Kane for choosing his hard and persevering.

So I ask you, what is your “hard”? What do you want to accomplish that you have let fear or lack of time or any other excuse hold you back from feeling fully aligned? I encourage you to BREAKTHROUGH what is holding you hostage and discover freedom in your mind that is our human right. Contact me to jumpstart your life. I have just the custom recipe for you!


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